Basic rules for safe weight loss
"If we talk about proper weight loss, then you need to prepare for it immediately, it will not happen quickly, " our interlocutor points out. ——Because certain components have accumulated in the body for a long time, it takes enough time to reset them. The speed of human metabolic processes does not increase dramatically.
Calories Matter
—The diet should not be too low in calories. Sometimes people not only start incorporating fasting days into their diet, but actually turn to fasting. This is not correct and the body will not see it as physiologically correct nutrition, it will just feel stressed and not know what to do in this situation. Therefore, the reduction in food volume should be smooth. "said the nutritionist.

- If it turns out that you can't eat breakfast and you skipped lunch, then you should not lose all calories before going to bed. Because our bodies have a circadian rhythm, at night the body prepares to sleep instead of processing the calories it receives.
Protein, fat and carbohydrates
Protein: Correct Count
— Usually starting out, depending on how overweight you are, protein is considered to be 1 to 1. 5 grams per kilogram. This means pure protein. That is, suppose a person weighs 90 kilograms.
This means that he should not eat 90 grams of chicken, but he should calculate how much poultry, fish and meat he needs so that they provide him with the required amount of protein. We have many calculators for this on the internet.
In this case, chicken is 450 grams. In addition, other products also contain protein, so here you can calculate it in detail based on what a person usually eats.

Fat: Healthy but not so good
"There is no doubt that excess fat should not be included in the diet, " nutritionists point out. - They are only available in large quantities in certain dietary options. When we talk about fats, their quality characteristics are important. You can use vegetable oil, or you can have hearty beef, where we get protein but also eat a lot of fat. Beef isn't the worst choice though. There's often pork.
Or you could use cold-pressed vegetable oil and pair it with cake and bitters. All the good stuff is kept there, and the oils are exchanged in a completely different way, unlike butter and some dairy products, like cheese, which contain more fat or oil.
Carbohydrates: from simple to complex
— Most often, the diet is based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates. But it would be more correct to simply change their structure qualitatively.

— These are more complete grains and require longer cooking times. Even oatmeal can be cooked in five minutes or can be cooked longer. Also, in a carbohydrate-based side dish, we can also add protein - we're talking about beans.
simplicity and regularity
"It's just cereal, just chicken, not meatballs, meatballs, sausage or sausage, " Svetlana Kovaleva stressed.

——There are many different views on this issue. But practice shows that diversity is necessary. Especially as a gastroenterologist, I cannot ignore this topic. You need to eat at least three meals a day, otherwise many of us like to eat once or twice - it just doesn't work.
drinking habits
"You can't ignore your drinking habits either, " the nutritionist points out. — More and more people are drinking three drinks a day. It would also be nice if it was water instead of tea or coffee. All metabolic processes occur in the aquatic environment.
Additionally, feelings of hunger are often misinterpreted. In other words, you may be thirsty, so you need to adjust the way you drink water.

— There are many calculation formulas, but at the beginning I recommend this formula: 25 ml per kilogram of body weight. Daily standards appear for water, with other beverages conditionally calculated for simplicity at half the amount consumed.
If a person consumes much less and has related problems, such as high blood pressure, then there is no need to suddenly reach this amount. You can add 200 ml every 2-3 days to assess your condition, pulse, blood pressure and analyze whether the salt content in your food has increased as this is the easiest option to help retain water and increase blood pressure. Water itself doesn't usually cause this.
Don't forget to train
— In rare cases, it is possible to achieve the desired rate of weight loss without physical activity, as it is one thing to reduce calories but another to maintain muscle mass that we still need. We still want a beautiful body, and the more muscle we have, the more intense the metabolic processes in the body become.
Extreme weight loss and its dangers

"Under healthy conditions, the medically accepted weight standard is 4 kilograms, " the nutritionist replied. — About one kilogram per week. Of course, there may be individual differences: a little more, a little less, but fatty liver usually occurs when you are overweight.
Additionally, if you repeatedly try to lose weight, you may develop bile stagnation or have stones forming in your gallbladder. Therefore, it is important to provide the necessary support and ensure that weight loss is not too rapid.
— First, the muscles "melt" and water leaves the body. As a result, you won't feel good—at least, not in a good mood. In addition, questions arise about the function of the gastrointestinal tract: it is still a complex of organs that must work properly on a regular basis, otherwise problems may arise.
Problems can also occur with the biliary system, and disruption of its function can have many consequences: from gastritis to impaired gastrointestinal motility, constipation, bloating due to poorly functioning intestinal flora, and more.

Minimum Calories in the Diet
"This is all calculated individually, because people have different initial parameters, different types of activities, different ages, different choices of exercise, " Svetlana Kovaleva emphasizes. - So I can't say definitively what the upper limit is.

— We now have many calculator apps that can efficiently calculate the number of kilocalories needed using certain formulas; this will be the easiest to use.
How to deal with hunger during weight loss?
- First of all, you need to try to gradually move away from large amounts of calories so that the body does not feel too much hunger pangs.
The second point is that the meals are distributed evenly. That is, if we use some app to calculate a certain amount of calories and eat three times, and in the middle we feel very hungry, then we try to spread the same amount of food into four meals. Because, if before one could have a snack on a piece of bread or a sandwich, now we are trying to take a more systematic approach to meals.
Hunger doesn't just happen on an empty stomach: sometimes we've eaten but feel as if we haven't. Then you just have to wait a certain amount of time. You can walk your dog, go for a walk, do something to distract yourself.
In fact, the gastrointestinal tract needs time for the stomach to contract. If a person eats a lot, the size of his stomach will increase. Here we have to wait longer to see this effect.
However, in general, I recommend spreading meals evenly throughout the day, or offering some kind of healthy snack that doesn't disrupt our entire diet and cause the calorie count to increase more than planned.